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Sashwat Bharat Krushi Rath

A unique knowledge mobile centre​

With the intent to enrich the welfare of the farmers, spread the ethos of farming, and make people aware of the art of agriculture and its allied sectors, The Eco Factory Foundation (TEFF) has developed Shashwat Bharat Krushi Rath, a unique knowledge mobile centre. It demonstrates the importance of the Sustainable Farming and Rural Entrepreneurship opportunities. This first-of-its-kind mobile centre’s target audiences are farm households, farmers, Agri/eco-entrepreneurs, self-help groups, students and professors, learners, etc. The description of the model is available in Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, English, Tamil, and Telugu.This mobile centre was recently inaugurated and flagged off nationally by Honourable Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare GOl, in Gwalior.

Sand Texture
Inauguration of Shashwat Bharat Krushi Rath

Hon’ble Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomer

India's Pride 

Inauguration of Shashwat Bharat Krishi Rath by

Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare at Gwaloir in February.

Inauguration of Shashwat Bharat Krushi Rath
Hon’ble Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tome
Hon’ble Minister Shri Narendra Singh Tomer

Components of the Shashwat Bharat Krushi Rath

Various globally-acclaimed natural, chemical-free, sustainable, organic, Vedic, and cow-based farming practices.

Live demonstration of various formulations of natural insecticides, pesticides, fertilizers, low-capital farm allied business that ensures economic viability for the farmers.

Education about Small-scale farm economics to increase yield per acre.

Introduction to various post-harvest technologies and rural waste management.

Introduction to appropriate market linkages.

Sustainable farming book library - Green Shelf.


Our Objectives

At Shashwat Bharat Krushi Rath, our vision is rooted in the commitment to fortify the backbone of our nation - The Farmer's. Our mission goes beyond merely cultivating crops; we aim to empower our farming communities with the knowledge and tools needed to lead a sustainable and prosperous life.

To strengthen the farmer’s economy by imparting education on sustainable agriculture practices.

Achieving waste to wealth and waste to health, food security and nutrition
security, eradication of malnutrition and everlasting sustainable farms

Recognition of every living organism’s importance in nature and its role in its
ecosystem, and that of the planet.

Addressing concerns such as ecological sustainability,  environmental health, safe food, and enhanced livelihoods.

Introduction to different dimensions of entire, farm-to-fork and fork-back-to-farm-journey.

Rural engineering technologies that can be easily adopted by farmers for
sustainable growth.

Allied businesses and eco-entrepreneurship opportunities; value-added products from farm produce, agro waste, and locally available raw materials.

Right farm design principles

Small-scale farm economics: increasing yield per acre.

Calendar of plantation and other aspects that will help farmers to grow
leaps and bounds.

Yellow Curtain

The Eco Factory Foundation contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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